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How To Help

Because animals cannot speak for themselves, it's up to YOU to speak for them and report animal abuse that you witness or suspect.

If you want to help animals in your community, familiarize yourself with your state's laws, recognize the signs of abuse and be willing to report it.

How to report animal cruelty

Animal cruelty is illegal in every state (and a felony in 46). If you make a report of alleged animal cruelty, the responding agency is required to investigate.

Make the call: Most large municipalities have a local animal control department, animal shelter or humane society. Do an online search to identify the agency in your area, and program the number into your cell phone so you are prepared. 

If you're traveling or living in a more rural area or community without an animal control agency, call the local police department (dial 911 to be most quickly connected) to report suspected animal abuse.

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